استخدام طريقة القواعد والترجمة في تعلم النحو القائم على اليوتيوب
The purposes of this study are to describe out the steps for using the qawaid wa tarjamah method in YouTube-based Nahwu learning, the benefits, and the obstacles experienced in using the qawaid wa tarjamah method in YouTube-based Nahwu learning at Mts Al-Mujahidin Samarinda and what are the solutions. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a case study type, analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model. The technique of data collect is observation, interview and documentation. The results of the study are that learning steps using the qawaid wa translation method (Thariqah Qawa'id wa Al-Tarjamah), the material is presented via the youtube link, the benefits felt by using YouTube include helping and training the creativity of teachers in delivering material and students are more comfortable in understanding the material and can be repeated when there is a delivery that is not understood, students are also happy because the material presented is more interesting, and there are no serious problems in using this youtube, but the video editing process is still limited. The solution offered is, you can try other applications to explore more in the video editing process, for example toontastic, filmorago, powtoon, wondershare filmora , etc. Likewise, there are no serious problems felt by students because the teacher has given a solution.
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