Meningkatkan Pemahaman Pembelajaran PAI Menggunakan Metode Kisah Qur’ani di Kelas 3 SDN Sukamerta 1
The main problem of this research is the lack of level of understanding of learning in class 3 students at SDN Sukamerta 1 in PAI subjects, as for the factors that influence the learning process, namely 1). Can't read and write yet 2). The media only uses books and the method is only lectures 3). Facilities 4). Behavior of ordinary students and santri students. To increase students' understanding, researchers used the Koranic story learning method. The Koranic story method is a method that presents stories in the Al-Quran for students to learn from as role models. The researchers conducted a study involving classroom actions using a mixed approach, namely qualitative and quantitative. The research applied is Classroom Action Research (PTK). In classroom action research, the procedure follows a cyclical flow consisting of four stages: planning, implementing action, observing and reflecting. This classroom action research project was carried out in two cycles, each cycle consisting of one meeting. The results of this research show that the level of implementation of the learning process using the Koranic story method in cycle 1 reached an average of 76%, while in cycle 2 it increased to 90%. Thus, based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the application of the Quranic story method has succeeded in increasing the level of students' understanding of the material regarding the exemplary story of the Prophet Ibrahim (as) and the exemplary story of the Prophet Ismail (as) in class 3 at SDN Sukamerta 1, as can be seen from the learning completeness obtained in the cycle. 1 reached 72% and in cycle 2 it increased to 81%.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Karhali, Dheby Melati Putri, Yani Febrian, M. Makbul, Nur Aini Farida

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