Dinamika Pembaharuan Pendidikan Islam

  • Ainul khalim Universitas Qomaruddin
  • Mochamad Chairudin Universitas Qomaruddin
Keywords: Islamic Education Reform Modern Knowledge Integration Conservative Challenges


The renewal of Islamic education emerged as a response to the global challenges faced by the Muslim community, especially after European expansion and dominance in various strategic sectors. This renewal began with efforts to adopt modern science and technology, as seen in Turkey during the reign of Sultan Mahmud II through to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, and in Egypt under the leadership of Muhammad Ali Pasha, as well as thinkers like Muhammad Abduh and Rasyid Ridla. These reforms included curriculum changes, the establishment of modern educational institutions, and the sending of students to Europe. The movement aimed to integrate general knowledge into the Islamic education system, which had previously focused solely on religious teachings. The impact of this movement is evident in the transformation of the educational system and the heightened awareness among Muslims of the importance of knowledge as a foundation for progress. However, these reforms also faced resistance from conservative circles concerned about its effects on Islamic identity. This study explores the contributions and challenges of the Islamic education reform movement and its influence on shaping educational thought and systems in the Islamic world through to the modern era.


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How to Cite
khalim, A., & Chairudin, M. (2024). Dinamika Pembaharuan Pendidikan Islam. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, 22(02), 518-526. https://doi.org/10.36835/jipi.v23i02.4243