Minat Masyarakat terhadap Sistem Akad Murabahah di KSPPS Nusantara (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Sawo Kecamatan Dukun Kabupaten Gresik)

  • Ahmad Munif LPPM STESFA


Human needs at this time are growing alone with the times and progress in society. The needs that must be met include primary, secondary and tertiary needs. Primary needs are basic as clothing, food and shelter that must be met before secondary and tertiary needs. One of the basic human needs besides food and clothing is money. The KSPPS NUSANTARA syari’ah cooperative appears to bridge the interests of the community in funding or providing capital in carrying out these businesses. Later from the bank / conventional banking using the interest system in the savings and loans. However, the interest system which is identical to usury which is clearly forbidden in Islam, makes Muslim people hesitate to make loans. There is very  little interest from the community is carrying out murabahah contracts at KSPPS NUSANTARA because of the many people in the village of Sawo, they do not know the systems that are carried out at KSPPS NUSANTARA
