• Sutrisno Rahmat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Maghdum Ibrahim (STITMA) Tuban


The research raises the issue of educational supervision and the direction of the discussion prioritizes the role of educational supervision in addressing teacher professionalism in teaching at school/madrasah. Therefore, the object of this study focuses on the role of educational supervision comprehensively in addressing teachers’ professionalism.

Educational supervision is an observation on teachers’ performance and the expected work that is carried out by teachers can be run in accordance with the provisions. Because, in fact, not a few of the teachers encounter several obstacles in achieving maximum implementation of the learning process. Many factors are causing teachers not professional, such as a lack of teachers’ understanding on instructional materials delivered, the condition of school facilities that are less conducive to the learning process, or teachers’ personal problems who need help in overcoming the problems. The existence of inspection or supervision is to determine the deficiencies or errors that need to be fixed in a job.

The approach that is used in the discussion of this research is descriptive analytical approach, the approach in which the analysis process uses deductive analysis and content analysis. Thus, the conclusion that we convey in this paper is in accordance with the use of such method.

The conclusion of the discussion is that to cope with the level of professionalism of teachers, education supervision is supposed to understand the fundamental problems faced by teachers. In the implementation of education supervision, it requires a variety of approaches such as artistic approach, scientific supervision, and clinical supervision. Artistic supervision approach is a supervision process that can not be explained rationally. Because the supervisor has a dominant role in improving the quality of educational services, scientific supervision approach is a supervision process based on facts and data, and the clinical approach is a supervision in order to treat the appearance of the teacher in teaching. The existence of these three approaches will be the answer of teachers’ professionalism level problem. It is expected that the existence of educational supervision can be more transparent.


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http://www.geocities,com/frans_98/uu/uu_20_03.htm. April 25/ 2013.
