Fenomena Publikasi Karya Tulis Ulama Nusantara Indonesia (Studi Multiperspektif Karya Tulis di Indonesia)

  • Muhamad Husni IAI Al-Qolam Gondanglegi Malang
  • Muhammad Hasyim IAI Al-Qolam Gondanglegi Malang
  • Fatkhul Wahab IAI Al-Qolam Gondanglegi Malang
Kata Kunci: scholars, standardization of written works and government regulations


Until now the ulama's works have become a hot topic. Ulama that have been impressed traditional and conservative. In fact, these scholars are intellectuals who have high creativity. They have brilliant ideas in building their communities, becoming pioneers in the progress of their society. Besides that it has extensive scientific capacity. This is evidenced by the large number of their written works that are still relevant today. However, not all of the ulama's works are widely published, most of their works have been published in a manner that is limited to their jama'ah or to the learning curriculum in their own boarding schools. Even though the works of Indonesian ulama can be used as an answer to the accusation that the majority of Indonesian scholars are traditional and conservative and cannot accept changes. In this study the aim was to understand (1) How academic standardization of Indonesian ulama's writings (2) What is the government regulation on the writings of ulama as the nation's best sons in Indonesia. This research is a qualitative research. The approach in this study is the femenology approach. With this approach try to understand phenomena as they are so that they are objective and validit. The location of this study is East Java. This is because East Java is a provention that has the largest number of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. Data collection is done by interviewing, observing and documenting. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, data validity and conclusion drawing.


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