Pentingnya Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia (Anak) Di Era Globalisasi

  • Ainiyatul Masruroh
Keywords: Legal protection, children's rights, global era, child exploitation.


Child protection in the era of globalization is very necessary for the survival of the young generation in the future. In Indonesian legislation, the needs for children's survival have been accommodated by the establishment of several sets of regulations. However, the reality that occurs on the ground is that, although the law in Indonesia generally provides protection for children, various forms of child exploitation which are very concerning are still taking place in society, whether carried out by the state, corporate or non-state actors. Several efforts to create a child-friendly Indonesia can be done in several ways, including: realizing community welfare through efforts to reduce poverty rates, improving the socio-cultural quality of society, increasing understanding of children's rights as a basis for law enforcement, the birth of a global generation based on local wisdom.