Tinjauan Ekonomi Islam Terhadap Penerapan Akad Ijarah Pada Bisnis Jasa Laundry (Studi Kasus di Desa Kedungrejo Kecamatan Muncar)


Laundry services business is a business in services sector laundering which managed to fullfill community needs. Kedungrejo Village Subdistrict Muncar is city fishing industry that most of the population works in factory so they don’t have time to wash their clothes by themselves. This research aims to determine the ijarah contract practice in laundry services business, the procedures of ijarah contract practice in laundry services business and the aplication of islamic economics in the ijarah contract in laundry services business. This research is qualitative research, where to collect the data by using some methods such as interview, questionnaires, observation and also literature study. After collecting the data, the next step is analyze data and then make the conclusion based on the data collected, that is by using descriptive analytical method. The result of this research showed that practice of ijarah contract in laundry services business is a’mal ijarah contract where laundry parties provide washing clothes services to the laundry customers with ujrah or laundry cost which have been agreed by both of them. Laundry Tia and Jaya use laundry kilogram system where the price of each kilogram is IDR 3,000 in Tia laundry and IDR 4,000 in Jaya laundry, while in Laundry Gama uses packet system where the price of each packet is IDR 10,000 which maximum weight of each packet is 3 kilogram. Ijarah contract laundry procedures in general has five steps, those are : acceptance of dirty things, washing, drying, ironing, and packing. But in washing process and rinsing process less than meets the islami shari’a in terms of sanctity such us washing without sorting by unclean, does not eliminate the odious first attached to the laundry and no difference where to put the dirty laundry,washed laundry  or dried laundry. The aplication of ijarah contract in laundry services business reviewed in islamic economics are appropriate, it can be seen from condition of employment, from work, time work, and ujroh which  is clear and hired services are mubah service. However in  washing procedure is still less attention  in term of sanctity.    