Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): October

					View Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): October
Syaikhuna: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pranata Islam STAI Syaichona Moh. Cholil Bangkalan in Volume 12 Number 2 in October 2021, it is focused on Islamic studies with the latest issues starting with the first research with the theme “Epistemology and Strategy of Islamic Multicultural Education†Leadership Behaviour Models of Kiai in Islamic Boarding Schools in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era Further research on Cognitive Psychology of Islamic Perspective . next research The Role of Fintech to Moderation and Cultural Values for Muslims. Then Luqman Hakim’s Speech and Politeness to his Son next with the theme Development of Religious Students Character at RA Muslimat NU Nurud Dholam Majungan Madura dan Implementing the Principles of Educational Psychology to Create Effective Learning recent research on current issues regarding Cryptocurrency Technology  of Litecoin for Investment and Business Transactions Based on Islamic Law Perspective. 
Published: 2021-10-14