Patriotisme Sufistik Ibn al-Taymīyah; Konsep dan Kiprahnya

  • Moch. Kalam Mollah Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya
Keywords: Patriotism; Ahl al-Shawkah; Leadership, Country.


This paper examines the thoughts of a famous Muslim figure named Ibn al-TaymÄ«yah. As an individual who lives in an era of heterogeneous society and full of political upheaval, the figure born in al-HarrÄn has ideas that are arguably unique and different from his predecessors. By examining relevant literature sources, the writer finds that Ibn al-TaymÄ«yah's ideas differ from the majority of pre-existing thoughts. For him, a leader must have the skills, skills and a sense of justice in leading the country. In addition, he is also known as a patriot who has dedicated himself to the interests of the nation and state. Apart from being an intellectual as well as a patriot with a spirit of state solidarity, Ibn al-TaymÄ«yah was also known as one who had such a strong Sufistic conception. This concept emphasizes that the motivation to defend the nation and state must be balanced with zuhud and sincerity that humans are part of a human entity that cannot be separated from the theological aspect.
How to Cite
Mollah, M. K. (2020). Patriotisme Sufistik Ibn al-Taymīyah; Konsep dan Kiprahnya. EL-BANAT: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Pendidikan Islam, 10(2), 169-188.

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