Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Omset Pedagang Sayur Pasar Pagi Ogan Kelurahan Bukit Lama Palembang di Era New Normal


  • Nur Asia Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Suryati
  • Sumaina Duku


Dampak, Pandemi Covid-19, Omset, Pedagang Sayur


The research aims to determine the income of market traders during the Covid-19 pandemic, to determine the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Turnover of Vegetable Traders at Pasar Pagi Ogan, Bukit Lama Village, Palembang in the New Normal Era. The research method used is qualitative, in the data collection techniques there are observations, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the income of market traders during the Covid 19 pandemic decreased dramatically because buyers were still afraid to shop outside the house even though the government had urged the public to comply with health protocols, but traders remained enthusiastic and chose to trade due to economic needs. fulfilled, so that the income generated by traders only reaches 40-60% of the capital issued with profits ranging from 15,000-20,000 per day during the new normal during the Covid-19 pandemic. It can be said to have decreased due to very cheap selling prices, having to promote or sell vegetables far from the capital price, the quality of vegetables getting worse day by day and inconvenience in providing services during buying and selling transactions due to fear of epidemics and having to interact directly with the community in the market . This triggers an impact according to him, turnover which before the pandemic came reached 80% is now only 40-60% with continuous additions to capital. Penelitianbertujauan untuk mengetahui pendapatan para pedagang pasar selama masa pandemic covid 19, untuk mengetahui Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 terhadap Omset Pedagang Sayur Pasar Pagi Ogan Kelurahan Bukit Lama Palembang Diera New Normal. Dengan metode penelitian yang digunakan kualitatif,pada teknik pengumpulan data adanya observasi,wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan para pedagang pasar selama masa pandemi covid 19, menurun drastis dikarenakan pembeli masih merasa takut untuk berbelanja keluar rumah walaupun pemerintah sudah menghimbau masyarakat untuk tetap mematuhi protokol kesehatan, namun para pedagang tetap antusias dan memilih untuk berdagang dikarenakan faktor kebutuhan ekonomi harus terpenuhi, sehingga pendapatan yang dihasilkan oleh para pedagang hanya mencapai 40-60% terhitung dari modal yang dikeluarkan dengan keuntungan yang diperoleh mulai dari 15.000-20.000 perhari selama new normal di masa pandemi covid-19. Dapat dikatakan menurun dikarenakan harga jual yang sangat murah,harus mempromosikan atau menjual sayuran jauh dari harga modal, kualitas sayur yang semakin hari semakin memburuk serta ketidaknyamanan dalam memberikan pelayanan selama transaksi jual beli dikarenakan timbulnya rasa takut atas wabah dan harus berintekasi langsung dengan masyarakat di pasar. Hal ini memicu timbulnya dampak menurutnya omset yang sebelum masa pandemi datang mencapai 80% sekarang hanya 40-60 % dengan penambahan modal secara terus menerus.




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