Analisis Pengaruh Profitabilitas dan Peluang Investasi terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dalam Subsektoral Makanan dan Minuman yang Terdaftar di Des Tahun 2019-2021


  • Nurul Huda Institut Ilmu Keislaman Annuqayah (INSTIKA) Sumenep


Profitability, Company Value, Investment Opportunities


Company value plays a central role in attracting shareholder interest, which is directly related to the company's level of profitability and investment opportunities. The level of profitability reflects the company's ability to generate dividends, while investment opportunities characterize the potential for growth in company value. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the influence of profitability and investment opportunities on the value of companies in the food and beverage sector on the DES list during the three year period (2019-2021). Meanwhile, the research methodology applied is quantitative with a descriptive approach. Sample selection was carried out through purposive sampling, resulting in 15 companies as research samples with a total of 45 observations. Data analysis was carried out through panel data regression, random effect regression as the model recovered in this research. Meanwhile, data analysis uses Eviews 9. The results of the research show that profitability has a positive and significant effect on the value of companies in the food and beverage subsector, and this is reflected in the t value of 3.050069, which exceeds the t table value of 2.17881 with a significance level of 0.0002 < 0 .05. Furthermore, the investment opportunity variable also has a positive and significant effect on the company value of this subsector, with tcount of 2.674797 > ttable 2.17881 and a significance value of 0.0106 <0.05.




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