The Urgency of Digitalizing Islamic Religious Learning In Pesantren


  • Samsul AR Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Darul Ulum Banyuanyar Pamekasan


Kata Kunci:

Pesantren, Digitalization, Islamic Education


Online learning is conducted as an alternative form of education during the pandemic. Online learning is intended to ensure that education can continue under any circumstances, including during the Covid-19 pandemic, to advance the nation's intellectual development. During the pandemic, Islamic boarding schools must remain operational to provide educational and religious guidance to students. Restricting gatherings, maintaining physical distance, and wearing masks are among the measures to collectively combat the coronavirus. On the other hand, the teaching and learning process at Islamic boarding schools must continue so that students can acquire religious knowledge amid the global epidemic. One alternative is the digitalization of Islamic education at boarding schools, using the internet as a tool to connect students, scholars, and alumni for continuous religious studies. The digitalization of Islamic education at boarding schools aims to facilitate learning for students who cannot return to the schools but can continue their studies at home. This study is a literature review with a descriptive analysis approach. The data used are derived from various documents, including journals, books, and similar sources.




Cara Mengutip

AR, S. (2024). The Urgency of Digitalizing Islamic Religious Learning In Pesantren. Al-Irfan : Journal of Arabic Literature and Islamic Studies, 7(1), 72–86.




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