Growing Good Attitude (Akhlaqul Karimah) as Character Education to The Children Through “Omar And Hana” Cartoon Film Series


  • Risca Dwiaryanti Islamic Institute of Al-Khairat Pamekasan


Kata Kunci:

Akhlaqul karimah, children, media.


Education in the millennium era is very important. It is make the development of high technology give many negative and positive impacts. High-tech make people’s life easier than in the past. There are many new product based on technology, such as mobile phone  that used internet network. There are many important and interesting application inside it. One of the negative impact of high-tech is the degradation of moral value because of over using social media as a new trend. People prefer interact with their friends in the social media than friends around them. There is no limitation of time and country to do anything with it. Some parents who are worry about it, teach character education or called akhlaqul karimah in Islam to their children as young generation, so that they have a good personality when they are grow up in the future. Akhlaq is very important in Islam and it  is  taught first by our prophet Muhammad SAW before teaching tauhid (Allah is the only God). He said that a muslim who have good akhlaq will reach the level of someone who is fasting and praying and Allah promised heaven for it. To grow good akhlaq as character education, parents or teacher should teach as early age as possible to the children.  Based on Piaget and Brown, the characteristics of children that started from 2 years old they are begin to think symbolically and as good imitators. In the millennium era there are many digital media to facilitate them knowing akhlaqul karimah as character education. Cartoon film “Omar and Hana†series is a suitable media for children because it has and nice picture to attract their attention and completed with song with nice lyrics related  to akhlaq to make them more joyful while watching. They can  gain the information and message from it. They also able to memorize it easily. The characters of this film are able to become good model of good muslims in terms of act, talk, and behave in the daily life, so that it will grow akhlaqul karimah of the children as character education until they are adult.


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Cara Mengutip

Dwiaryanti, R. (2018). Growing Good Attitude (Akhlaqul Karimah) as Character Education to The Children Through “Omar And Hana” Cartoon Film Series. FIKROTUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Manajemen Islam, 7(02), 986–1000.




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