Reducing Work Pressure to Improve Employee and Teacher Performance at the National Space Aviation Vocational School (SPAN) Medan


  • Dody Arisandy Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Aman Simaremare Universitas Negeri Medan



This study examines the impact of job stress on employee and teacher performance at the National Aviation and Space Vocational High School (Span) Medan. This research uses a quantitative approach, using a saturated sampling technique to ensure the collection of representative data from the entire population, so as to increase the generalizability of the research findings to a wider population. The triangulation method was used to validate the authenticity of the data, by integrating various data sources such as observation, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The research findings that job stress plays an important role in influencing individual performance, both partially and simultaneously. The practical implication is the urgency of management to manage employee work stress effectively. Strategies such as employee wellness programs, stress management training, supportive work environment, adaptive leadership, and fair compensation are recommended. Future research should explore additional factors affecting performance and develop holistic management strategies to effectively improve employee performance and teacher performance


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Cara Mengutip

Arisandy, D. ., & Simaremare, A. . (2024). Reducing Work Pressure to Improve Employee and Teacher Performance at the National Space Aviation Vocational School (SPAN) Medan. FIKROTUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Manajemen Islam, 13(01), 202–217.




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