Implementasi Profit Sharing Di Koperasi Al Mahbub Pondok Pesantren Taman Sari


  • Mokhtar Rosyid
  • Mohsi Mohsi IAI Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan
  • Muhalli Muhalli


Implementation of Profit Sharing in the Al Mahbub Cooperative in practice is in accordance with sharia guidelines using the AL Mudharabah method. By dividing the remaining operating results (SHU) or profit ratio into two parts to the Al Mahbub Cooperative (Mudharib) 65% and Investors (Shohibul Mal) with a percentage of 35%. The determination of this ratio is in accordance with the initial agreement. The agreement is not written so that the agreement is considered weak in the eyes of the law. The formulation of the problem in writing this thesis uses two problem formulations, namely: 1) Implementation of Profit Sharing Cooperative Al Mahbub Pondok Pesantren Taman The method used is a descriptive qualitative approach, namely a method that uses analysis of a situation or a certain population area that is factual in a systematic and accurate manner, with techniques of primary data sources and secondary data. The purpose and usefulness of this research is to find out the Implementation of Profit Sharing Cooperative Al Mahbub Pondok Pesantren Taman Sari. [Put here your Indonesian version of the Abstract. It is not obligatory, but we do appreciate if you could provide us with the translation of the abstract in Bahasa Indonesia.]





