Auhtor Guidelines

The editor accepts writing that is in accordance with the intent and content of the Asasi journal, articles sent to the editor must follow the following technical provisions:

Articles are conceptual writings or research results in various studies of Islamic family law.
The article is original work and has never been published in another journal (scientific periodical) or anthology book.
Articles are written in Indonesian or standard English, using Cambrian font with 1.5 cm spacing on A4 paper and sent via email to the address: Writing length is 10-20 pages. Articles must be submitted no later than two months before the journal is published.
Include an abstract in English of up to 200 words; in each abstract followed by keywords (keywords).
The name of the author of the article (without an academic degree, position or rank) is included along with the correspondence address, email address and or office, home or cell phone number.
References in articles use the footnote model by taking into account the specifics of references referred to, such as books, translation books, bound/volume books, anthology books, articles in anthologies, articles in journals, articles in encyclopedias, articles on the website (internet), articles in mass media (magazines, newspapers, etc.), theses, dissertations, and holy books. As an example. Book—Jamâl al-Bannâ, Nahw Fiqh Jadîd: Muntaliqât wa Mafâhîm (Cairo: Dâr al-Fikr al-Islâmî, 1999), 23.
Writing footnotes uses the Chicago Style system, where the footnotes on the first line are indented by 1 tab, 1 space, using Cambria font size 10, justify. Especially for the Arabic language footnote, use Times New Arabic or Traditional Arabic font size 10.

Writing footnotes does not use titles, here are examples of writing footnotes from various reference sources. An example of writing a footnote for one author.[1] For example writing    footnote   two authors.[2] An example of writing a footnote for a collection of writings in a book.[3] An example of writing a footnote without the year.[4] Example of writing a printed journal article footnote.[5] Example of writing an online journal article footnote.[6] An example of writing a footnote for a Thesis/Dissertation/Thesis.[7] Example of writing a newspaper footnote.[8] An example of writing a website footnote.[9] Example of writing a Rule footnote. Legislation.[10] Example of writing a court decision footnote.[11] An example of writing a footnote using the same reference, the difference is that it does not include the name of the city and publisher and only the page cited.[12] Once again, an example of writing a footnote using references cited many times in the article.[13] Examples of references are taken from the Al-Quran.[14]


[1] Jimly Asshiddiqie, Models of Constitutional Review in Various Countries (Jakarta: Sinar Graphic, 2010). 72.

[2] Jazim Hamidi and Malik, Comparative Law of Constitutions (Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka, 2008). 36.

[3] Jazim Hamidi and Mustafa Lutfi, "Legal Optics of Supervision of Regional Government," in A Just and Lawful State: A Collection of Thoughts in the Context of Retirement Prof. Dr. H. Bagirman, S.H., M.CL (Bandung: Center for State Policy Studies, Faculty of Law, University of Padjadjaran, 2011). 505.

[4] Hasan al Hamsyi, Ma'ajim al Mufahras lil alfadzi wa al Mawadhi' (Beirut: Dar ar-Rasyid, t.t.). 191.

[5] Moh Nafik, “Problematics of Iddah Pregnant Women Outside of Marriage,” Mahakim Journal: Islamic Family of Law Vol. 2, No. 1 (2018).

[6] Imam Koeswahyono, "Land for Social Justice: Comparison of Land Arrangement and Administration in several countries," Legal Arena 12, no. 1 (May 3, 2019): 64–90, Hukum.2019.01201.4.

[7] Muhammad Fajar Sidiq Widodo, "Position of Advocate Organizations as a Single Professional Forum After the Constitutional Court Decision Numbers 112/PUU-XII/2014 and 36/PUU-XIII/2015" (Thesis, Universitas Brawijaya, 2017).

[8] Syahruddin El-Fikri, “First Friday at the Nabawi Mosque,” Republika. bag. Hajj Journal. July 30, 2019.

[9] Charles Simabura, "Full review: Reasons for the Mayor of DKI Jakarta Not Being Elected Directly,", accessed July 30 2019, https://www. -the mayor-dki-jakarta-not-elected-directly.

[10] Article 2 Paragraph (1), “Law Number 3 of 2017 concerning the Bookkeeping System,” Pub. L.No. State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2OI7 Number 102 (2017).

[11] "Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 46/PUU-VIII/2010" (2012).

[12] Jimly Asshiddiqie, Models of Constitutional Review in Various Countries. H.74.

[13] Jimly Asshiddiqie, Models of Constitutional Review in Various Countries. H.89.

[14] Q.S Al-A'raf:23.



Asshiddiqie, Jimmy. Models of Constitutional Testing in Various Countries. Jakarta: Sinar Graphics, 2010.

El-Fikri, Syahruddin. “First Friday at the Prophet's Mosque.” Republika. bag. Journal