Strategi Kepala Madrasah dalam Mengembangkan Karakter Siswa di MTs Muadalah Nurul Qarnain Sukowono Jember
kepemimpinan, kepala sekolah, karaker siswaAbstract
The headmaster must recognize changes and be able to anticipate and respond to future challenges in a better direction. Therefore, the headmaster must empower educators and education staff to create quality, smooth, and productive learning for the formation and development of student character. In developing the character of the Siswa at MTs Nurul Qarnain, the headmaster needs to improve in instilling leadership skills, managerial skills, learning skills, and value skills. The goal is to influence, motivate, direct, and oversee the educational institution as a whole so that a sense of ownership, understanding, and the ability to develop knowledge that enhances Islamic values and good moral character is instilled. This will lead to the development of noble character as per the aspirations of Pesantren Nurul Qarnain. This research uses a qualitative approach to understand the phenomenon experienced by the research subjects, such as behavior, perceptions, motivation, actions, and others, collaboratively and descriptively. The context is naturalistic, utilizing various natural methods. The research was conducted in a natural setting without manipulating variables, using observation, interviews, and documentation. The presentation follows the Miles and Huberman method, with data triangulation, source triangulation, technique triangulation, and time triangulation. This makes the research transferable, dependable, and confirmable. The findings of this research show that the Headmaster's strategy in developing the character of Student at MTs Muadalah Nurul Qarnain involves several approaches. First, moral knowing, through providing knowledge and reasoning about values. Second, moral modeling, with teachers serving as role models for students. Third, moral feeling and loving, touching students’ hearts to understand moral values. Fourth, moral acting, encouraging actions based on the taught values. Fifth, reward and punishment, to motivate and deter students. Sixth, traditional strategies, providing direct advice, and lastly, habituation, familiarizing students with values through routine activities.References
The headmaster must recognize changes and be able to anticipate and respond to future challenges in a better direction. Therefore, the headmaster must empower educators and education staff to create quality, smooth, and productive learning for the formation and development of student character. In developing the character of the Siswa at MTs Nurul Qarnain, the headmaster needs to improve in instilling leadership skills, managerial skills, learning skills, and value skills. The goal is to influence, motivate, direct, and oversee the educational institution as a whole so that a sense of ownership, understanding, and the ability to develop knowledge that enhances Islamic values and good moral character is instilled. This will lead to the development of noble character as per the aspirations of Pesantren Nurul Qarnain. This research uses a qualitative approach to understand the phenomenon experienced by the research subjects, such as behavior, perceptions, motivation, actions, and others, collaboratively and descriptively. The context is naturalistic, utilizing various natural methods. The research was conducted in a natural setting without manipulating variables, using observation, interviews, and documentation. The presentation follows the Miles and Huberman method, with data triangulation, source triangulation, technique triangulation, and time triangulation. This makes the research transferable, dependable, and confirmable. The findings of this research show that the Headmaster's strategy in developing the character of Student at MTs Muadalah Nurul Qarnain involves several approaches. First, moral knowing, through providing knowledge and reasoning about values. Second, moral modeling, with teachers serving as role models for students. Third, moral feeling and loving, touching students’ hearts to understand moral values. Fourth, moral acting, encouraging actions based on the taught values. Fifth, reward and punishment, to motivate and deter students. Sixth, traditional strategies, providing direct advice, and lastly, habituation, familiarizing students with values through routine activities.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Ahmad Saiful Fajri, Abdul Goffar, Zainul Arifin, Mochammad Homaid

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.