School Principal Management in Effort to Improve The Quality of Primary School Education Ma'arif Kegan Bilingual Islamic School Sidoarjo


  • Umi Salamah Universitas Abdul Chalim
  • Masdar Hilmy Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel, Surabaya


The purpose of this study is to examine the role and function of the principal as well as the things that hinder their ability to manage their staff in an effort to raise educational standards. The MI Maarif Ketegan Bilingual Islamic School in Sidoarjo served as the study's site. Techniques for gathering data included interviews, documentation, and observation. Qualitative descriptive techniques were employed in data analysis. According to the study's findings, the principal's management role in raising the standard of education involves meticulous planning, effective organization, guiding educators and other staff members, and conducting oversight. The principle has improved the quality of education by fulfilling his responsibilities as a manager, administrator, supervisor, educator, leader, innovator, and motivator. The recruitment of new qualified teachers, the adoption and adaptation of two curricula, the national curriculum (independent curriculum) and the international curriculum (Cambridge curriculum), and adequate facilities and infrastructure to support the achievement of maximum output/graduate quality are the supporting factors in improving the quality of education. The inhibiting factors include senior teachers who are still difficult to invite to follow the dynamics of education and lack of bilingual skills. Keywords: Management Function; Principal's Role; Education Quality.




How to Cite

Umi Salamah, & Masdar Hilmy. (2024). School Principal Management in Effort to Improve The Quality of Primary School Education Ma’arif Kegan Bilingual Islamic School Sidoarjo. Syaikhuna: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pranata Islam, 15(02). Retrieved from




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