Kontribusi Keilmuan dan Peradaban Islam Andalusia
The Umayyad State was the first Islamic caliphate after the Rashidin Khulafaur or the second Islamic caliphate after the reign of the Prophet (PBUH). The Umayyad State was founded by Muawiya Ibn Abu Sufyan in 661 AD in Damascus (as the seat of its government). After the collapse of Umayyad rule in Damascus, the Umayyad State managed to rise to power in Andalusia, with Abdurrahman al-Dakhil as the first caliph. In the writing process, the author uses qualitative methods by using literacy sources to collect the necessary data, while the approach used is a historical approach. The author finds that at first, this government was led by an amir, but during the reign of Abdurrahman III changed to caliph. When Islam entered Andalusia, the country experienced rapid progress in both civilization and education. Until giving birth to great scholars among them Ibn Hazm.
Keyword: Contribution, Civilization, Andalusia
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