Urgensi Dan Relevansi Al-Maslahah Al-Mursalah Sebagai Metode Ijtihad Kontemporer

  • ach cholili Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Jombang


Justice of decision of law of problems that happened, have properly relied on theorem or
nash of al-Qur’an, kitabullah which have been confessed its truth, as well as relying on
rules of Rasulullah (as-Sunnah).Besides based on both theorem above, Islam also recognize
stipulating of law by aqliyyah, which is [is] ordinary to be named with method of ijtihad
birra’yi (with ratio), and one of the method named al-Mursalah al-Mashlahah, that is
specifying an deed which not there are lasing base or its in and also al-Qur’an of Sunnah.In
conception al-mursalah al-mashlahah told with different term. Some of moslem scholar use
term of al-mashahah that al-mursalah with word of al-Munasib al-Mursal (Ibnu Hajib and
of Baidhawi; al-Baidhawi al-Qadhi), there also using istihlah (al-Ghazali; al-mustasyfa)
and some of other again mentioning of al-Istidlal al-Mursal (al-Syatibi; al-Muwafaqat).
Difference of that name looked into from three facet. First, see mashlahah found on questioned
case. Second, seeing the nature of matching with the target of syara’ (al-munasib al-washf)
obliging the existence of something rule of law be created something maslahah. Third, see
process stipulating of law to something mashlahah addressed by special theorem.


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