Pemikiran Pendidikan Pesantren Tuan Guru Haji Muhammad Shaleh Hambali Bengkel

  • Zainul Mujahidin
  • Dheanda Abshorina Arifiah


This research is motivated by various problems that occur in pesantren, including: First, in terms of leadership, the pesantren is still firmly patterned with a centralistic and hierarchical leadership centered on one kyai. This pattern will have a less prospective impact on the sustainability of the pesantren in the future. Many pesantren that were previously popular, suddenly disappeared because the kyai died. Second, weaknesses in the field of methodology. It is well known that Islamic boarding schools have a strong tradition in the field of classical scientific transmission. However, due to the lack of methodological improvisation, the transmission process only resulted in the accumulation of knowledge. Third, the occurrence of disorientation, namely boarding schools lose the ability to define and position themselves in the midst of social realities that are currently changing so rapidly. From here, the author is interested in studying the ideas or thoughts of Tuan Guru Haji Muhammad Shaleh Hambali Bengkel al-Ampenani regarding pesantren education.
How to Cite
Mujahidin, Z., & Arifiah, D. A. (2021). Pemikiran Pendidikan Pesantren Tuan Guru Haji Muhammad Shaleh Hambali Bengkel. Al-Amin Journal: Educational and Social Studies, 6(01), 119-141. Retrieved from

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