Exploring the Value of Islamic Law in the Context of Modern Education in Islamic Education Institutions


  • Achmad Muzammil Alfan Nasrullah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura, Indonesia
  • Hafiz Atif Iqbal University of Malaya




Islamic Legal Values; Modern Education; Islamic Educational Institutions


This research focuses on exploring the values of Islamic law in the context of modern education management. This research aims to understand how Islamic legal values, including justice, equality, morality, and responsibility, can be integrated into modern education management in educational institutions. This research uses a literature review approach, with primary data sources in books on Islamic law and education management and secondary sources in scientific articles and related literature. The results showed that integrating Islamic law values can form a more moral work ecosystem in the management of educational organisations. These values serve as the basis for realising managerial functions and decision-making processes. This research provides new insights into how Islamic legal values can be integrated into modern education management and how these values can help shape a more moral work ecosystem in the management of education organisations. It also highlights the importance of these values in realising managerial functions and decision-making processes.


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How to Cite

Alfan Nasrullah, A. M., & Iqbal, H. A. . (2023). Exploring the Value of Islamic Law in the Context of Modern Education in Islamic Education Institutions. FIKROTUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Manajemen Islam, 12(02), 71–82. https://doi.org/10.32806/jf.v12i02.7375




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