Student Satisfaction with Lecturer Performance at Pelita Harapan University


  • Hantono Hantono Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Aman Simaremare Univeresitas Negeri Medan



Students Satisfaction, Lecturer Performance, Pelita harapan University


The study examined the relationship between student satisfaction and lecturer performance in higher education. This study aimed to identify and measure the relationship between student satisfaction levels and lecturer performance in the academic environment, as well as evaluate the validity and reliability of the research instruments used. This ex post facto research involved students from various majors at UPH Medan campus as the population. Samples were taken randomly using a proportional technique. Data were collected through a Likert scale-based questionnaire and analyzed using inferential statistics. Analysis steps include data grouping, tabulation, and hypothesis testing. Validity, reliability, and classical assumption tests were also applied to ensure the consistency and accuracy of the data. The results showed that all items in the questionnaire were valid, with the highest validity in item number 9 for student satisfaction and number 7 for lecturer performance. The instrument's reliability was also high, with Cronbach's Alpha values of 0.766 for student satisfaction and 0.773 for lecturer performance. The simple linear regression model shows that every one-unit increase in the student satisfaction variable increases lecturer performance by 0.260. The t-test and F-test confirm the significant effect of student satisfaction on lecturer performance, both partially and simultaneously. The Adjusted R Square value of 30.7% indicates that student satisfaction significantly influences lecturer performance. This study confirms that student satisfaction positively and significantly influences lecturer performance. This finding provides important implications for university management to improve lecturer performance through increasing student satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Hantono, H., & Simaremare, A. . (2024). Student Satisfaction with Lecturer Performance at Pelita Harapan University. FIKROTUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Manajemen Islam, 13(01), 202–236.

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