Development of Web-Based Learning Media on The Subject of Islamic Cultural History Class X


  • Ega Diana Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan
  • Mardianto Mardianto Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan
  • Solihah Titin Sumanti Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan


Kata Kunci:

Educational Technology, Learning Innovation, Islamic Education


This research was conducted using the R & D (Research and Development) approach or commonly known as development research to produce a product. This research aims to develop a website that is intended as a learning media. This website is named "" which has supporting features such as video playback to assignment collection in 1 website. The resulting development product consists of two types, namely 1) Book: website usage guide, 2) Software: a learning website called "". This website was developed according to the current needs of teachers and students, as well as paying attention to aspects of feasibility, practicality and effectiveness of the product. The development of web-based learning media on the subject of Islamic cultural history class X was developed using the ADDIE development model. The ADDIE research model is considered appropriate, because the results of the product developed are learning media not software engineering. To determine the feasibility of the product, a validation test was conducted by media experts, material experts and linguists. The questionnaire research instrument was used to determine the results of the product practicality test. Meanwhile, to find out the effectiveness test, through the pre-test and post-test instruments then processed using SPSS by conducting normality tests and parametric tests. The results obtained from the validation results of media experts (90%), material (94.6%) and language (100%) in the feasibility test obtained an overall result of 94.87% with a very feasible category. While the results in the practicality test obtained a result of 92.36% with a very practical category. While in the effectiveness test using the T test with a significance of 0.001 ≤ 0.05. This means that these results show that there is a difference in the results of the pre-test and post-test data. This proves that the use of the website "" is very effective for improving student learning outcomes


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Cara Mengutip

Diana, E., Mardianto, M., & Titin Sumanti, S. . (2023). Development of Web-Based Learning Media on The Subject of Islamic Cultural History Class X. FIKROTUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Manajemen Islam, 12(02), 18–39.




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