Kutek Halal Dalam Islam

Analisis Fatwa MUI no. 26 tahun 2013 tentang Standar Kehalalan Produk Kosmetika dan Penggunaannya


  • Inti Ulfi Sholichah STAI Binamadni


The purpose of this study was to find out the standardization that became a reference for the use of halal nail polish among Muslim women based on MUI Fatwa No. 26 of 2013 concerning Halal Standards for Cosmetic Products and Their Use, so that the nail polish to be used is recognized and believed by the public for its Halalness, both in terms of criteria, methods, processes and techniques. This research is empirical by using descriptive-qualitative method so that the data needed in this research uses library research and literature techniques and is then analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques with a normative approach to obtain specific conclusions and is analyzed according to MUI Fatwa No. 26 of 2013 concerning Halal Standards for Cosmetic Products and Their Use. The results in this study indicate that decorating nails with nail polish is permissible in Islam with the condition that the materials used come from pure and natural materials such as henna or henna leaves and must comply with the rules and standards set out in Islamic law.





