Implementasi Pembiayaan Dengan Menggunakan Akad Bai’ Al-Wafa’ Ma’al Ijarah Studi Pada Bmt Mawaddah Cabang Utama


  • Moh Suyudi
  • Fahmi Assulthoni IAI Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan
  • Abdul Ghafur STEI Walisongo Sampang


This research was conducted at BMT Mawaddah which is located in the Palengaan District, Pamekasan Regency. This study aims to determine the application procedure for obtaining financing using the Bai' Al-Wafa' Ma'al Ijarah contract at BMT Mawaddah Main Branch. Implementation of financing using the Bai' Al-Wafa' Ma'al Ijarah Contract at BMT Mawaddah Main Branch. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research. As for the data collection techniques with observation techniques, interviews and documentation. Then the data obtained were analyzed by means of data reduction, data presentation, and data conclusion. Based on this research analysis shows that the procedure for applying for financing using the Bai' Al-Wafa' Ma'al Ijarah contract can be obtained after the customer has completed several procedures: examination, financing approval, decision, and fundraising. The implementation of financing using the Bai' Al-Wafa' Ma'al Ijarah contract is not only used for immovable goods but also for moving goods such as motorized vehicles and cars.





