Analisis Produk Tabungan Mudharabah Berjangka (MDA) Di KSPPS BMT Al-Iktisab Cabang Aeng Nyunok Pamekasan


  • abd Khofi
  • Ahmad Rofiki IAI Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan
  • Prayudi Kumala STEI Walisongo Sampang


The following research was conducted at KSPPS BMT Al-Iktisab Branch Aeng Nyunok Pamekasan. The purpose of this study was to analyze the ratio mechanism and supporting factors contained in KSPPS BMT Al-Iktisab Branch Aeng Nyunok Pamekasan in developing futures mudharobah (MDA) products. Therefore, the profit-sharing mechanism applied by KSPPS BMT Al-Iktisab Branch Aeng Nyunok Pamekasan is based on the amount of money deposited and the time agreed upon by both parties, as well as the determination of the ratio using a percentage. Factors that support the community can be interest in entering the mudharobah term savings product (MDA) at KSPPS BMT Al-Iktisab Branch Aeng Nyunok Pamekasan namely product, location, public knowledge of BMT).This research uses a case study qualitative research type. Data was collected by means of interviews, observation, and documentation. Then, to strengthen the existing data, the researcher carried out an extension of research attendance, in-depth observation, service and triangulation. This research uses a case study qualitative research type. Data collection is done by means of interviews, documentation. Then, to strengthen the existing data, the researcher carried out an extension of research attendance, service and triangulation. The results of the research conducted by the KSPPS BMT Al-Iktisab Branch Aeng Nyunok Pamekasan in the profit sharing mechanism based on the amount of money deposited and the agreed time period. The factors that encourage people to be interested are product, location, community knowledge of BMT).





