Interaksi Antara Praktik Keagamaan dan ekonomi Islam dalam tradisi Remoh di Kalangan Blater Karang Penang


  • Ahmad Rofiqi


ABSTRACT The interaction between religious practices and Islamic economics plays a significant role in shaping social and economic dynamics within local traditions. This study explores the relationship between these two aspects in the Remoh tradition among the Blater community in Karang Penang. Using a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods, this research examines how Remoh, a religious ritual deeply rooted in local Islamic traditions, influences economic behavior and financial transactions within the community. The findings reveal that Remoh not only serves as a medium for spiritual expression but also fosters economic circulation through donations, alms (sadaqah), and trade activities. Furthermore, Islamic economic principles, such as fairness (‘adl) and mutual assistance (ta‘awun), are embedded in the financial interactions during the tradition, reinforcing social cohesion and economic sustainability. This study highlights the inseparable link between religious devotion and economic activities, suggesting that traditional Islamic practices can contribute to local economic resilience and ethical financial behavior.




