Model Pengembangan Sistem Pendidikan Pesantren


  • Abd Ghani
  • Ferawati Ferawati Institut Agama Islam Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan


This journal comes from a study that aims to determine: (1) The model for developing the Islamic boarding school education system, and (2) Constraints and solutions to the model for developing the education system in Islamic boarding schools. From the objectives above, it can be explained that the Islamic boarding school development model can be applied well covering several things, including using a comprehensive education model that combines the classical education system with the modern education system. In addition, the education system that is developed starts from educators, students, spiritual education, learning processes, and infrastructure. The obstacles faced in the model for developing the Islamic boarding school education system are that the activities of the students are so dense, so that their development is carried out on existing activities and maximizing extra activities in developing the abilities of the students. From here there are several shortcomings faced by Islamic boarding schools, one of which is in developing the talents of students who have abilities outside of religion. The solution to the obstacles faced in developing the Islamic boarding school education system is how Islamic boarding schools must create a curriculum that can accommodate the interests and talents of each student, so that many people are interested in sending their children to Islamic boarding schools because the Islamic boarding school education model has been able to answer the desires of the wider community







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