Analisis Pembiayaan Rahn terhadap Kepuasan Anggota Di Bmt Mawaddah Cabang Karang Penang Sampang


  • Ismawati Ismawati
  • Moh. Safik IAI Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan
  • Akyun Mobarok Institut Agama Islam Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan


This research was conducted in one of the Mawaddah BMT Branches located in Kacan Karang Penang Sampang Regency.  This study aims to analyze rahn financing on member satisfaction.  Many people become members of BMT Mawaddah because they need money and do not want to lose their ownership rights to the goods they have.  Therefore, member satisfaction is very concerned here from the convenience of members in conducting transactions and security in storing goods that are pawned by members.  One of the products that members are interested in is the Rahn financing product.  Rahn financing is a service product that holds members' assets based on sharia principles where members will be charged with administrative costs, storage service fees and maintenance of collateral goods (ujroh).  This study aims to empirically test the indicator variables in the research that have been formulated in the formulation of the problem, namely whether rahn financing has a positive and significant effect on product quality, service, price and process either partially or simultaneously. This research uses descriptive quantitative research.  Data was collected by means of interviews, questionnaires and documentation.  Sampling in this study used the Incidental Sampling technique (by chance) a total of 99 respondents from a population of 8,077 members at BMT Mawaddah Karang Penang Branch.  Data testing was conducted using validity test, reliability test, normality test, heteroscedasticity test and multiple linear regression test with t test and f test which were processed through the IBM SPSS Statistics version 20 program with a level of 0.05%. Based on the results of the analysis of this study, it shows that partially (t test) rahn financing has a positive and significant effect on product quality or tcount > ttable (7.225 > 1.985), rahn financing has a positive and significant effect on service or tcount > ttable (7.063 > 1.985),  rahn's financing has no positive and significant effect on the price or tcount < ttable (1.118 < 1.985), and rahn's financing has a positive and significant effect on the process or tcount > ttable (3.057 > 1.985).  Meanwhile, simultaneously (f test) rahn financing has a positive and significant effect on the quality of products, services, prices and processes with a value of fcount > ftable (31.750 > 2.47).





