Implementasi Marketing Mix terhadap Tabungan Qurban di BMT Al-Iktisab Kebun Baru Jatim


  • Uswatun Hasanah
  • Ridan Muhtadi IAI Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan
  • Syarifuddin Radin STEI Walisongo Sampang


Marketing Mix or marketing mix is ​​a marketing strategy that is done in an integrated manner. What this means is that these activities are carried out concurrently. This strategy is used by applying an element that is already listed in the marketing mix itself. For this reason, BMT Al-Iktisab Kebun Baru really needs a marketing mix strategy to market the products that are to be offered to members or customers. And the product is a sacrificial savings product. The research method used is a qualitative research method using a phenomenological research type, with a case study research form. The location of this research is at the BMT Al-Iktisab Kebun Baru East Java center on Jl. Raya Palengaan PP. New garden. Data sources include primary and secondary data. Data collection methods used in this study include observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study show that the development of qurban savings products was initially opened with the opening of qurban savings products at BMT Al-Iktisab Kebun Baru on the basis of wanting to make members aware of the importance of worship by making sacrifices. However, regarding the development of qurban savings products at BMT Al-Iktisab Kebun Baru, there has been no progress since the opening until now. And the obstacles to its development are a). Not interested b). The surrounding community prefers contributions or contributions c). lack of promoters and marketing management to make the marketing program at BMT less than optimal. And the marketing of sacrificial savings products at BMT Al-Iktisab Kebun Baru there has implemented the seven components of the marketing mix namely (7-P), Price, Product, Place, Promotion, Process, People, Physical Evidence, according to the theories contained in Marketing mix. However, in implementing the marketing mix at BMT Al-Iktisab Kebun Baru, not everything went optimally both for the community and also for the internal BMT itself.





