Interdisciplinary Approaches in Arabic Language Teaching: Integration with Islamic Studies to Deepen Cultural Understanding.
Gufron Zainal Abidin Sdawi Manasiq
An interdisciplinary approach in Arabic language teaching, particularly through integration with Islamic Studies, offers significant benefits in improving students' language skills and cultural understanding. This research aims to explore how this interdisciplinary approach can enrich students' learning experience by linking linguistic skills with cultural and religious insights. By linking language learning to historical and religious contexts, students not only deepen their linguistic skills but also develop a deeper understanding of the values, social norms and traditions in Arabic-speaking societies. This approach also encourages the development of critical thinking skills, empathy, and cultural awareness, which are essential in effective communication in an increasingly connected and multicultural world. Through a deep understanding of the relationship between language, culture, and identity, students are better equipped to play the role of global citizens capable of establishing intercultural dialog and contributing positively in a diverse society.
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Current Issue
Halimi: Journal of Education ISSN (Online): 2746-8410