Pola Komunikasi Pengurus Dalam Pembinaan Kedisiplinan Hafalan Al Qur'an Di Lembaga Pesantren MaQis Al-Hamidy 4 Pasean Pamekasan


  • Fahmi as-Sulthoni STAI Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan
  • Ridan Muhtadi STAI Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan


Commander MaQis Al-Hamidy 4 Patient of Accompanying is a non-profit institution that has a consensus in the religious sphere, especially in the field of the Qur an's interpretation aimed at increasing the intensity of the charge. Relationship to the communication patterns of the manager in the construction of the discipline of the Qur an. in this respect, the communication pattern of the manager is an important factor in supporting the construction of Santri’s discipline in remembering the Qur’an. The focus of this study is (1) how is the communication pattern used by the manager in the disciplinary construction of the Qur'an in the MaQis Al-Hamidy 4 Passenger Passenger Valley? (2) How is the construction method? (3) What are the supporters and slaves?. This study uses descriptive qualitative approaches. Where the data obtained is through some reading reference sources, obervases, interviews and data analysis. Collecting data through direct observation to the field, directly involved with the management and community of the Lebbek village. The theory in this research is the theory of Josep A. Devito's communication patterns that says that there are five types of communication patterns that are circle patterns, chain patterns, wheel patterns, star patterns, while y patterns are relatively less centralized compared to wheel structures. Research suggests that the manager's communication patterns at MaQis Al-Hamidy 4 Passenger Dispatch Valley use two patterns, namely wheel patterns and star patterns. As regards the method used divided into five parts, namely 1) the Bin-Nazhar method, 2) the Tahfidz method, 3) the Talaqqi method, 4) the Takrir method, and 5) the Tasmi method’. And the supporters and the slaves in each of the aforementioned methods are divided into five, namely (1) the supporters of the Bin-Nazhar method are intent and motivation in Santri. And a slave is seen from a part of the Sacred Mosque which has not yet been recited and has not been recited. While his slave factor is the boredom that Santri sometimes experienced and seen from different ages of Santri, (3) Talaqqi's supportive factor is seen from Santri's discipline in listening to the instructions and advice the manager gives them. While the slave factor is less manageable. (4) The support factor of the Takrir method is the memory power of each Santri and also the motivation for itself. While his slave factor is the boredom felt by Santri (5) The Tasmi’ method supporter is the confidence and endurance of Santri. While a slave factor occurs when a saint wants to pursue or listen to the Qur'an to the manager, some of them joke and play.







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