
  • Abd Ghani IAI Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan

Kata Kunci:

Life Skill, keterampilan, kurikulum maderasah


This journal comes from a study that aims to determine: (1) the concept of life skills education. (2) skills education model. (3) development of skills education in the Madrasah curriculum. From the above objectives, it can be explained that the implementation of life skills education in Madrasahs is included in the realm of personal skills as measured by student attitude indicators such as smiles, greetings, greetings, polite (4S), and these are instilled in order to become a daily habit in the Madrasah environment. In addition, it is also included in the realm of academic skills, namely with a variety of learning methods developed with skills that are adjusted to the basic competency standards on the subject of each teaching and learning activity. And enter the realm of academic and personal skills, namely with learning tools in which there is a content of life skills; (2) skills education in Madrasahs is more commonly referred to as workshops. This skill education has been developed continuously, from subject matter that is skills such as computers, sewing and fashion, as well as calligraphy. While the methods in the teaching and learning process one of them using the lecture method, practice or drill method, demonstration method and problem solving method. This skill education can be used as a solution for the world of education to meet the needs of the community due to the high expectations of the community in education to be able to equip every student in facing various future challenges, both those that are immune to all existing social diseases or that can lead students to have the power competitiveness in the quality of human resources. (3) The development of the skills education model is carried out in several stages which include the stage of determining the objectives of the program, preparing for program implementation by preparing human resources, preparing program curriculum, preparing facilities and infrastructure and funding sources. The implementation of the skills education model uses efforts, techniques, and methods. Then proceed with the evaluation of the skills education model program using micro-evaluation and macro-evaluation techniques. Micro-evaluation is used to evaluate skills learning programs, while macro-evaluations are used to evaluate the entire skills program.







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